We prepare financial statements for all entity types including sole trader, partnership, trust, company and self managed superannuation funds. We also can arrange bookkeeping services if required.
Tax return preparation
We take care of all of your compliance requirements for sole trader tax returns, partnership tax returns, trust tax returns, company tax returns and SMSF tax returns.
Tax minimisation and negative gearing strategies
Our passion is to show you ways to minimise tax through legal tax saving strategies which include negative gearing of property and shares, and borrowing through superannuation.
Self Managed Superannuation Funds
We provide all services required for self managed superannuation funds from the initial establishment through to ongoing annual compliance requirements. We also can arrange life insurance and loan funding for SMSFs.
If you are interested in borrowing through superannuation we can provide a loan pre approval at no cost or obligation. Simply click on this form to download, complete the form and return it to us.
Business structure and business advice
If you are thinking of setting up a business we can discuss with you the most tax effective and appropriate business structure. Many of our existing clients have benefited from review of their structures and the addition of further components to their structures.
Business is not just about numbers, its also about the people within it. We also try to understand how the people work with the numbers. Your success is our success.
We can provide assistance with all BAS lodgement requirements and GST advice.
Personal Insurances and Financial Planning / Wealth Creation
Through our associated partners, we can provide complete financial planning and sharebroking services, income protection, trauma and life insurance, portfolio management and managed fund advice.
Vehicle, equipment and property finance
Also through our associated partners we provide finance for all types of business equipment, motor vehicles, residential and commercial property.
Online Knowledge has helped us build our new website. I found Carey from Online Knowledge to be an excellent partner to work with as he always focuses on business outcomes. Online Knowledge would like to offer all of my valued clients a free website assessment of their existing website. Covering, Search Engine Optimisation (How Google ranks your pages) Social Media, Face book, Twitter, Blogs, Email Marketing and all the related subjects that you need to make your website a profit centre and not just an electronic brochure. If you do not have a web site they will help you answer the 9 question most asked about building a website. Please Carey on 0430715 799 or click here to arrange a chat.
If you think Social Media is not for you have a look at the following. Carey will be running a small board room presentation on Friday 8th July at City Side Serviced Officees To attend click here By popular demand we are opening up two more sessions the first is from 10.00 am till 11:30 am and a third session starting at 2pm and finishing at 3:30pm To attend the morning session please click here. To attend the afternoon session please click here