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Life insurance, TPD and income protection insurance

One of our clients was diagnosed with a brain tumor last Wednesday and by Thursday he was in surgery to have it removed.   The operation went well but he has been advised that he has stage 4 cancer and will commence chemotherapy shortly.  Although none of us like to think about this happening to us or anyone we know, it is a real possibility.  We no doubt have all been touched by cancer through family or friends.   If you do have life insurance, TPD and income protection insurance, when was the last time that you reviewed your cover?  If you don’t have any of these insurances, perhaps take a moment to consider the financial impact on you and your family if something was to happen to you.  Contact your financial adviser now.  Please don't put it off.  If you would like a comparison quote or a review of your current insurances, please contact Mario Cananzi at Blue Cross Financial Planning on 03 9018 7018 or bcfp08@gmail.com, and/or Georgina Gowan at Interprac Securities on 0409 933 332 or Georgina.gowan@inteprac.com.au

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