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Discount Electricity and Gas Offer from Alinta Gas and Discount RACV Business Insurance

Special offer for S Baker & Co clients…

  • 25% off your electricity usage* when you pay in full and on time
  • 10% off your natural gas usage* when you pay in full and on time
  • Competitive rates
  • No lock in contracts
  • No exit fees

Contact Rocco on 0499 491 604 or email: rperre.alintaenergy@outlook.com


Plus, as a client of S Baker & Co, our affiliate RACV Business Insurance is offering all of our clients an assessment of your Business insurance needs at no cost or obligation, to ensure you have the right cover and price in place.  RACV guarantee to better your quote and your policy over what you are currently paying.


And as an RACV Member you automatically get access to a huge range of member benefits and discounts.


To find out how you can access all the benefits, you can contact Jenny Trad directly on 0411 010 716.


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