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You are here: Home > Practice News > 4.99% FIXED RATE HOME LOANS


Interest rates are about as low as they can get.  Why pay more than you need to when you can lock in now at 4.99% for two years? 

Only two of the major banks are offering this rate - Commonwealth Bank and St George Bank.

Don't simply accept the rate that you are on.  If you are already with these banks and do not already have a fixed loan, it is a simple form to complete to obtain this great rate.

If you are with another bank, you need to ask yourself why aren't they offering this low rate and why  are they charging you more?  It is so easy to refinance, we arrange everything and whatsmore you get paid to refinance.  Both the CBA and Bank of Melbourne will pay you $700 to refinance with them.  With our contacts you get a further .2% of the loan amount as a refinance bonus.  Eg $300K loan you get a total of $1300 to refinance, and you get a lower rate and pay less interest.  Its a win win.  What are you waiting for?

Even if you are fixed with another bank, it still may be worth breaking the loan and locking in a lower rate.

Contact our office to find out how you can potentially save thousands.


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