Win with a great discounted variable rate
Take out a new Standard Variable Rate Home Loan or a new Portfolio Loan of $500,000 or more under Advantage Package and you'll receive a 0
.90% p.a. discount off the standard variable rate for the life of the loan. With this discount the variable rate is only 5.7%. (Loans between $150,000 and $249,999,0.70% p.a. discount, for loans between $250,000 and $499,999,0.85% p.a. discount.)
Or win with a super low fixed rate
5.39% for 1 and 3 year fixed loans
5.29% for 2 year fixed loans
5.79% for 4 and 5 year fixed loans
Win again by getting paid to finance
Purchase a property and receive $1000 to help you cover some of your purchase costs on selected new loans with Advantage Package of $300,000 or more.
Through our contacts you also get paid .2% of the loan upon settlement. This offer is not available through branches. Contact our office for more details on how you can start saving interest sooner!