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Bank of Melbourne Discounted Rate Loan Offer

Lifetime Discount Off the Standard Residential Variable Rate
Bank of Melbourne are introducing life of loan discounts from the 8th February 2012 until the 31st March 2012.  They are offering up to 1% discounts off Standard Variable Rate Loan or Portfolio Loan Variable Rate under the Advantage Package.

Total Borrowings Advantage Package Discounts
(Standard Variable and Portfolio Variable)
$250,000 - $499,999 ... 0.90%
$500,000 - $1 million plus 1.00%

Contact our oiffice and also get paid a .2% rebate to finance or refinance to this great deal.  The rebate is not available directly from a branch.
Investors and First Home Buyers - For loans with 80-85% LVR, Bank of Melbourne will refund the Lenders Mortgage Insurance!

In addition to the best in market 'Life of Loan' discounts campaign (up to 1.00% p.a. off the Standard Variable rate), Bank of Melbourne has a further limited time only offer where for applications lodged between the 15th February 2012 and 31st March 2012, Bank of Melbourne will refund the customer the cost of their Lenders Mortgage Insurance for new loans and increases between 80-85% LVR. This offer can be used in conjunction with the recent Life of Loan discounts campaign.

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