THE Australian Tax Office confirmed it would class Apple's iPad as laptops for income tax assessment purposes but its eligibility for employee salary sacrifice programs remains unclear.
The ATO said iPad owners who used the device for work purposes would be able to claim deductions on software, capital depreciation and internet connections for the devices. However, they would have to exclude any portion related to private use. Unfortunately, the ATO has given no advice on whether it would be eligible for employee salary sacrifice programs.
The depreciation rate for an I Pad for work related purposes is 66.67% pa.
The Tax Office has already declared the iPad eligible for generous education tax offsets under the federal government's new Education Tax Refund guidelines.
Under the guidelines, parents can receive refunds of up to $397 per primary school student and $794 per secondary school student for desktop computers and laptops, and for repair and running costs. (2011 financial year).
Should you have any questions in relation to the claimability of an Ipad or any other tax matters, please do not hesitate to contact this office on 9482 4244.